
Showing posts from August, 2024

Hold On

'Hold On' by Chord Overstreet is a song commonly associated with The Vampire Diaries. It plays during the season finale when the characters say their final goodbyes to Stefan Salvatore. This is what the song is best known for in the series. The lyrics are as follows "Can you hear me screaming 'Please don't leave me?' Hold on I still want you Come back, I still need you" Stefan is undoubtedly one of the most important characters in the series. He has touched the lives of everyone. This song is an elegy to Stefan that the other characters deliver. They are all telling him that they need him. They just wish he could come back to life.  I, however, think the song could fit into another scene as well. The scene where Elena and Damon have their big argument in season 5. The lyrics go "Loving and fighting Accusing, denying I can't imagine a world with you gone" Here, Elena and Damon are having a huge fight. They both feel like their relationship is


The inspiration for this post came from the lyrics of the song 'Try' by Colbie Caillat. I first heard it on an Instagram reel and then went to listen to the whole song. The lyrics I really like are   "You don't have to try so hard You don't have to give it all away You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up, You don't have to change a single thing" The song starts out with the singer naming the things that a girl has to do to be liked. They are all stereotypical things like putting on makeup, getting a manicure done, curling her hair, and making sure she is slim. All these are related to a woman's physical body. The way people expect women to do this is kind of like body-shaming. Why does she have to fit a standard of beauty?  Next, she talks about romantic relationships. The singer points out that a woman is considered desirable if she has a lot of romantic relationships. But, at the same time, she is called a slut and a whore if she does so. Wha


Why do guys think it's okay to tease a woman for not being feminine? No woman can be a girly girl all the time. Why do guys think it's okay to tease a woman for being a woman. Like - dude - make up your mind for god's sake, please. You tease us for being feminine and for not being feminine. What on earth do you want us to do then?  Sometimes, a girl doesn't want to travel in the ladies' compartment on the train. That's okay. Right? Guys, do you know what happens in there? You literally can't breathe. If a woman is traveling - with her companions - in the general compartment, most men try to give her a bit of breathing room. Or, have you considered that she isn't comfortable traveling on her own? Is that not a valid reason to travel in the general compartment with her friends? Why does that have to be a question of her femininity or independence? Does that mean she is dependent, cowardly, or irresponsible? I don't think so.  Why do guys have to say &#

To Miss Someone Special

You feel your heart pounding in your chest. There was something that triggered you. It could have been a song or a voice or even a word. Your throat dries up and you feel a lump. You feel tears welling up in your eyes. You close your eyes and try to distract yourself, but your heart just hurts. You feel empty inside and drained of all your energy. All you want to do is curl up in a corner and let your emotions crash over you. You try to move past it but you just can't. Everything you see after that moment brings back memories. You can't stop them from flooding into your head. You can't stop them from taking over. There are so many people around you asking you what's wrong, but you can't bring yourself to tell them. They will just think you are being silly. The only thing you can do is let your feelings take over you. You can't stop them. Tears keep leaking out of your eyes at random times, even when you are laughing. You both want to remember and want to forget

Second-Person Perspective

I've recently started a new writing project that's going to be written completely in second-person perspective. I wanted to talk about what this means.  So, everyone knows that there are three writing perspectives. We are familiar with two of them; the first-person and third-person narrative. Let's take a moment to recall what they are. In the third-person narrative, there is someone outside the story who is taking us through it. In the first-person narrative, the storyteller is the speaker.  The second-person narrative is very rare (or so I have heard). This type of writing addresses the reader, making them the protagonist. It puts the reader in the middle of the action. I have always loved reading books from the first-person perspective. I thought it felt like a very personal experience that put me on the spot.  However, when I read my own second-person writing, I felt like it was even better. My writing is fantasy. I was thinking of the effect it would have if the story

2 Days

There's this thing that people believe... 'Just 2 days. If you want to know whether someone really loves you or not, all it takes is 2 days. Don't make any sort of contact with them. If you can't wait that long, think of this. Do you want to spend the rest of your life knowing whether they reciprocate your love or not? Brace yourself and wait for them. If they seek you out, you know that they value you. If not, you have your answer. It's time for you to leave.'  It's easy to say this or even to think about it, but it's really hard to follow it. How can you stop talking to someone who has become a part of your daily life? It's almost impossible. You will find yourself trying to cheat and contact them somehow. You will want to send them a sign that you want them to contact you. But, don't call them. Don't text them. Nothing.  You will realize how important you are to the people you love. You will know how much you mean to them. This will boost

Please Tell Then My Name

I was listening to 'Long Live' by Taylor Swift and when I heard these lyrics, something hit me. These words turned themselves into a farewell letter.  Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children some day When they point to the pictures Please, tell 'em my name Tell 'em how the crowds went wild Tell 'em how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life with you The letter that I visualized was something you would write to someone you loved with all your heart - whether platonic or romantic. It wouldn't be something you would share with them. It would be something that just gives you some closure. You don't want to part with them. You are asking them to stay with you forever. But, you soon realize that sometimes, it's just not meant to be. They might be your whole world but it just doesn't matter

Forgive Yourself First

Can I just say... you have to forgive yourself. You have to understand that things aren't always your fault. You can't keep blaming yourself for things that are out of your control.  If you hurt someone, ask them for your forgiveness. If you mean something to them, they are sure to forgive you. Once they do, it's time for you to forgive yourself.  Now, imagine that the other person is someone who considers you to be their best friend. Think of how it would hurt them if you kept blaming yourself. They have forgiven you and they just want you back. They understand that some things can't be controlled. Even though they were probably very hurt or angry, they got over it. The whole point of their anger or sadness was so that you knew not to repeat the same mistake over again. But, what's the point of it if you are going to blame yourself and isolate yourself and keep away from them. That's just totally counterproductive.  Would they have gotten mad or sad if they did

They Can't Wait

I wanted to share a very heart-touching story that my professor shared with us in class today. The message of the story was that forgiveness and apologies can't wait.  Here it goes... he recounted an incident that happened years ago. It was about one of his former students. This girl got into a tragic accident and passed away. During her funeral, her best friend was inconsolable with grief. At first, I thought that this was normal. Sorrow at her best friend's demise. He went on to tell us what she told him. She told him that she and her friend were fighting. Her friend had tried to apologize to her multiple times, but she didn't accept it. She was planning to apologize to her friend soon. "Where do I go apologize now?" she asked my professor. My professor was at a loss for words.  I realized that we never know what's going to happen next. Our emotions - once we decide that we are going to act upon them - shouldn't be suppressed. I don't mean to say act


Today, I was completely helpless and dependent on my friends. I had a pretty bad wound on my leg. I could barely take two steps without help. I started my day confidently, hoping I would be self-sufficient. That turned out to be a huge joke. I soon realized that I couldn't put any weight on my leg.  Luckily, I had invited a friend to help me get to class. I limped all the way to my block and my friend helped me up the stairs. Throughout the morning, a lot of people asked me if I was okay, including one of my professors. I eventually had to go to another building for my next class. Another one of my friends walked me half the way. I had to hold onto his arm very tightly in order to get down the stairs. Another one of my friends did the same for me when I ascended again. Later in the afternoon, the pain I felt was too much to bear. I couldn't take it anymore and succumbed to tears. One of my professors was my savior. He took me to the hospital and stayed with me until my brother

The Release of My Books

Today, I had the marvelous opportunity to release my first two books; my debut novel, "Werewolves of Brooklyn: Siege of the Dokkalfar" and a compilation of my blog entries "I Just Wanna Be A Girl."  I had been eagerly anticipating this day for the past few weeks and had also been putting work into technical aspects of the event. Writing has always been my dream and passion, so I had put a lot of love into my work. The day I could finally reap the benefits had arrived.  I had three special guests to witness the release of my books; my brother, Anderlin, and two of my oldest friends, Ani and Sri Siva. They were eager to accept my invitation and didn't disappoint. My brother greeted me with roses as a token of congratulations. They sat in the front of the auditorium with me and cheered me on as I went on stage.  I was really nervous and tensed as I walked up. My hands were trembling slightly. Honestly, I felt like the moment went by really quickly. The chief guest