Forgive Yourself First

Can I just say... you have to forgive yourself. You have to understand that things aren't always your fault. You can't keep blaming yourself for things that are out of your control. 

If you hurt someone, ask them for your forgiveness. If you mean something to them, they are sure to forgive you. Once they do, it's time for you to forgive yourself. 

Now, imagine that the other person is someone who considers you to be their best friend. Think of how it would hurt them if you kept blaming yourself. They have forgiven you and they just want you back. They understand that some things can't be controlled. Even though they were probably very hurt or angry, they got over it. The whole point of their anger or sadness was so that you knew not to repeat the same mistake over again. But, what's the point of it if you are going to blame yourself and isolate yourself and keep away from them. That's just totally counterproductive. 

Would they have gotten mad or sad if they didn't care for you? You have to look past what has happened and remember that. But, it's impossible if you don't forgive yourself. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. And that's okay. If you keep blaming yourself, they are going to regret ever telling you that you hurt them. Is that what you want? Obviously not. You would want to know. 

My point here is that it's okay to make mistakes as long as you realize them. It's not okay to keep beating yourself about them. 


  1. A person who forgives others easily but not themselves has helped everyone but not themselves.


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