Katha Utsav @MCC

On the 28th and 29th of December, Katha Publishers conducted a workshop in the MRF Innovation Park at MCC. As soon as I knew this workshop was coming up, I knew I wanted to go. My professor told me how prestigious this workshop was. I didn't totally believe him until I saw the crowds that arrived at MCC. 

This workshop was intended for schoolchildren, but we MCCians had a special session since we were hosting it. I was also a volunteer for the workshop. My Saturday morning started pretty early. I rushed to campus by 7:30 and sprung into action. The day started out with decorating the venue. Soon after, parents and their children started arriving. There were people from out of state. They had come just for the workshop. I sprung into action with the rest of the team, guiding children and their parents around the building. 

Once everyone was settled, it was time for our session. I loved the sessions. I compared my writing to what the mentor taught us and I was pleased to find that I was doing things right. I especially liked the writing exercises over the two days. I enjoyed working on a short deadline - of an hour or so. It helped me focus and write as best as I could. 

After the two-day workshop ended, the other volunteers and I had the marvelous opportunity to interact with the heads of Katha Publishing House. I got to meet the founder and the CEO (different people). The founder, Ms. Geeta Dharmarajan, was one of the most energetic people I've ever met - despite her age. The CEO, Mr. Ravin Carr was equally enthusiastic and down to earth. It was a wonderful experience speaking to both of them. I especially liked how they talked to us. In their eyes, we were little kids, with very little experience. However, despite their high positions, they spoke to us as equals. I'd like to add that Mr. Carr is an alumnus of Madras Christian College's Department of Physics. As I mentioned in an earlier post, that's the benefit of being an MCCian. It earns you respect, especially among alumni, no matter how high-ranking they are. 


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