
The inspiration for this post came from the lyrics of the song 'Try' by Colbie Caillat. I first heard it on an Instagram reel and then went to listen to the whole song. The lyrics I really like are  

"You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up,
You don't have to change a single thing"

The song starts out with the singer naming the things that a girl has to do to be liked. They are all stereotypical things like putting on makeup, getting a manicure done, curling her hair, and making sure she is slim. All these are related to a woman's physical body. The way people expect women to do this is kind of like body-shaming. Why does she have to fit a standard of beauty? 

Next, she talks about romantic relationships. The singer points out that a woman is considered desirable if she has a lot of romantic relationships. But, at the same time, she is called a slut and a whore if she does so. What is she supposed to do then? Why does a woman's worth have to be defined by the men who may or may not like her? Why can't we look at it from another angle? She wants to remain pure. She wants to wait for someone worthy of her love instead of sleeping around. 

The singer also talks about the shopping sprees that young women take. They feel like their worth depends on their ability to buy a lot of things. They probably don't even need the things they buy. But, they do it anyway. Why though? It's all for society. Society places high expectations. Society might like a woman if she does all these things, but what about what she likes. She might not like to do any of these things, but she just does them because she has to fit in. 

Then, looking at the lyrics I quoted above. The singer tells women not to try to fit in with what people expect. She tells them that they don't have to give up their morals and beliefs just because they are forced to do things. All they have to do is get up and live their lives boldly. Yes, I speak from experience. It's hard to do things that oppose common belief. There are going to be a thousand people talking about you behind your back. But, like I've said many times before, nothing gives them the right to judge you or force you to do things that you aren't comfortable with. You don't have to change anything about yourself - as long as you know what you are doing is good for you. 

The song ends by saying 

"Take your makeup off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror, at yourself
Don't you like you?..."

Here, the singer is telling us to be ourselves and to take a good hard look in the mirror. Decide if you like the person you see there. If you do, that's that. 

This song struck a chord with me. I wish there was someone who told me this stuff earlier. I only hope this reaches someone who needs to hear it. Whether you are a girl or a guy - doesn't matter. 

You are perfect just the way you are! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Be bold enough to stand up for yourself. 


  1. This is what I say to others time and time again. No one can love you as much as you love yourself. That's how you'd get to know your self-worth. It is important to realise that no one can take care of you or choose the best thing for you other than yourself. Before departing, I have a quote for the men here as well: No one can hate you as much as you hate yourself 🥲🤝


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