2 Days

There's this thing that people believe... 'Just 2 days. If you want to know whether someone really loves you or not, all it takes is 2 days. Don't make any sort of contact with them. If you can't wait that long, think of this. Do you want to spend the rest of your life knowing whether they reciprocate your love or not? Brace yourself and wait for them. If they seek you out, you know that they value you. If not, you have your answer. It's time for you to leave.' 

It's easy to say this or even to think about it, but it's really hard to follow it. How can you stop talking to someone who has become a part of your daily life? It's almost impossible. You will find yourself trying to cheat and contact them somehow. You will want to send them a sign that you want them to contact you. But, don't call them. Don't text them. Nothing. 

You will realize how important you are to the people you love. You will know how much you mean to them. This will boost your self-confidence. 

I know it's hard. But it's worth it. You might not even have to wait the whole 2 days. They might contact you within hours. 


  1. This just made me realise how we mustn't beg for someone to love us. It should be reciprocated equally. If they made the decision to leave you, hold the door wide open for them. Because, you need a person who would find importance in you and just can't see a lofe without you. If that's not real pove, I don't know what is.


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