
Today, I was completely helpless and dependent on my friends. I had a pretty bad wound on my leg. I could barely take two steps without help. I started my day confidently, hoping I would be self-sufficient. That turned out to be a huge joke. I soon realized that I couldn't put any weight on my leg. 

Luckily, I had invited a friend to help me get to class. I limped all the way to my block and my friend helped me up the stairs. Throughout the morning, a lot of people asked me if I was okay, including one of my professors. I eventually had to go to another building for my next class. Another one of my friends walked me half the way. I had to hold onto his arm very tightly in order to get down the stairs. Another one of my friends did the same for me when I ascended again. Later in the afternoon, the pain I felt was too much to bear. I couldn't take it anymore and succumbed to tears. One of my professors was my savior. He took me to the hospital and stayed with me until my brother arrived to take over. 

What I learned today is that help and care can be found in the most unexpected places. I never thought so many people would want to know what happened to me. I never expected that my professor would take me to a hospital. 

Help can be found anywhere if only you ask. I guess, what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't think you are left to your own devices, all alone, unless you have exhausted all possibilities. There's going to be someone, somewhere, who will help you out. 


  1. It's courageous to ask for help. It is only foolish to always rely on yourself when you have nowhere to go. People often think that they are alone and no one ever cares. That is entirely wrong. People actually do care. We just aren't looking at the right place.


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