To Miss Someone Special

You feel your heart pounding in your chest. There was something that triggered you. It could have been a song or a voice or even a word. Your throat dries up and you feel a lump. You feel tears welling up in your eyes. You close your eyes and try to distract yourself, but your heart just hurts. You feel empty inside and drained of all your energy. All you want to do is curl up in a corner and let your emotions crash over you. You try to move past it but you just can't. Everything you see after that moment brings back memories. You can't stop them from flooding into your head. You can't stop them from taking over. There are so many people around you asking you what's wrong, but you can't bring yourself to tell them. They will just think you are being silly. The only thing you can do is let your feelings take over you. You can't stop them. Tears keep leaking out of your eyes at random times, even when you are laughing. You both want to remember and want to forget at the same time. You aren't sure which is easier. 

That's what it feels like to really miss someone. You feel like you are missing a part of yourself. The things you see are just harsh reminders. 

(I know this entry is shorter than my usual ones. This feeling is just something I felt and wanted to try to put into words. There is a lot more that can't be expressed.)


  1. I guess people just miss eachother a lot more differently than one another. When I miss someone, I'd be irrationally angry with them for not reaching out to me as often as they used to. Then I'd act like it doesn't bother me at all. But deep down, I'd really wish I could be with that person again. Flooding back memories.


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