
The Queen

Her eyes can make the boldest man bow Her voice echoes around the world She takes on many roles A daughter, sister, lover, friend A deadly foe She wears short skirts or Tshirts Strutting around in high heels or sneakers Her laughter, fierce and free Inspires others and paves the way She rules through love  The world is hers  Her path is hers, bold and true She stands her ground, tall and firm She carries her throne  She seizes the crown  There's courage on the shoulder  Where obedience used to be  And it's calling her the queen  Her nerve is her weapon  And she IS the Queen  (In class this morning, we were asked to write a poem about the modern woman. This is what I ended up with. Am I becoming a poet???)

I Googled Myself And...

So, I googled myself today. I didn't have a specific reason to do so. I was just curious. When I hit the search bar, my published books came up. So did my LinkedIn profile.  The most surprising thing I saw was that my books were listed on the Barnes and Noble page! So, Barnes and Noble is a bookstore in the United States. They have retail outlets all over the country. I pretty much grew up in there. I loved visiting. My little sister had regular storytime sessions there. When she was occupied by the instructor, I would browse the shelves. I would take books off the shelves and find a cozy corner to curl up and read in. There was nothing weird about that. No one would look at me funny. I always loved reading. Bookstores and libraries were heaven to me.  Now, this might seem like something pretty trivial. But, this was somewhere I grew up. And to see my work displayed there. It makes me want to go back to visit, just to see my book in one of the places I loved. It makes me feel like


  Flashback when you met me Your buzzcut and my hair bleached Even in my worst times You could see the best of me Flashback to my mistakes My rebounds, my earthquakes Even in my worst lies You saw the truth in me And I woke up just in time When I hear these lyrics, I feel like... there's someone out there who really understands me. The way the singer says this with such certainty makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's someone who can see past the drama I cause and my meltdowns. It's someone who can weather my storms with me. The singer talks about how this person could always look beyond things in her past and see her. They saw the true her. They loved her for being herself.  This is a dream of mine. To have someone like this. Someone who knows I have off days and is willing to bear with them. Someone who just wants me to be with them. Just my presence. Someone who cares about what I have to say and wants to listen to the trivial things I want to talk about. Someone who

A Poem on Gratitude

I was asked to write a poem on the depth of gratitude in my exam this morning. Here's what I ended up with.  Note: It was written when I was on the clock. I wrote this out in ten minutes. I tried to make it kinda visually appealing as well.  Here it is.  Thank you for showing me the world,                       for teaching me to fly,              and for letting me learn. Thank you for your patience,                       for your attention,               and for your affection. Thank you for showing me what love is,                      for letting me know I'm worth loving,              and for teaching me to love myself. Thank you for your trust in me,                       for giving me your heart and soul,              and for being my prized possession.    Thank you for loving me for me...

How Much Do I Love Thee?

So, my professor was teaching us the poem 'How Do I Love Thee,' by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (sonnet 43) in class. It was just so magnificent that I was inspired to write my own poem. I'm not really a poet, I'm more of a prose writer, but this poem inspired me. I sat down 2 hours later and tried to write. This is what I ended up with. (I'm sure there are some lines that are similar to the original piece. It's my first work of poetry, bear with me.) It's called "How Much Do I Love Thee?" How much do I love thee? I love thee in silence and peace. I love thee through chaos and violence.  I love thee with the intensity of my grief. I love thee with purity.  In thy eyes I find peace,  In thy arms, lies my home.  To the ends of the earth and beyond. With everything I have and will have.  I love thee when you are out of sight and in my arms.  I love thee with my heart and soul, I am thine.  Now and forever more.

Nyx, Queen of Night Herself

"I am Nyx, the queen of night herself, the primordial force from which all darkness flows. Before the dawn, before the stars, I was. From the abyss I rise, my shadows veiling the world in silence and fear... When all light fades, all must return to me."  So, I'm sure you are confused by now. I went to a cosplay event at Ethiraj college where I played Nyx. My teammates were all dressed as Greek Gods. The work we had chosen to portray was Theogony by Hesiod.  For the past few weeks, I had put all my energy and effort into this event. I worked on the music, the formations, the dialogues, costumes, and everything in between. Finally, it was time to get on stage. I had spent all morning getting ready. When they called for my team, there was no time to be nervous. We got on stage and I checked out the stage dimensions. I instructed my teammates where they should stand and I signalled for the music to start.  That was it. The gods descended from Olympus. Zeus and Poseidon entere


When I was driving to college the other day, I witnessed a couple genuine acts of kindness. They were so pure they filled me with happiness.  As I was driving, I ended up behind a car that had stopped in the middle of the road. I was trying to overtake it but vehicles kept passing me. I sighed and decided to wait until the car moved. That was when a minivan stopped beside me, with a little space for me to squeeze by. The other vehicles in that lane stopped behind the minivan. I looked up at the driver, wondering if he stopped for me or for something else. He nodded at me to go ahead. I smiled to myself and continued. Later that same day, a car asked me to move in front of him. There was a bus standing behind me. The car driver had left space for me to stand in front of him. "Po ma," he said. Another day, there was a black jeep that drove behind me all the way to college. (Now, I'm not someone who squeezes through gaps in traffic. I prefer driving calmly and safely. Usuall

The Power of A Name

I say name, but I don't mean a legal name that's on documents. I'm talking about someone's nickname, or name that they like to be called. This name isn't something that everyone knows. It's something very personal and it probably has a story attached to it.  The feeling you get when someone entrusts you with something as personal as their name is beyond compare. This just happened to me and I am high.  For starters, the name in question is adorable. I had so much fun when I tried saying it aloud. It sounded so perfect for the person. I could visualize myself using that name on them a lot. I could see how it was perfect for them.  Then, there's the way that the name makes that person feel. It probably makes them feel loved and adored. It takes them back to good times. It makes them feel safe and comfortable with you. That kind of emotional bond is special in any relationship. That kind of safety and security is essential to ensure that the relationship is str

Promise Me This Is Forever

Wow, the rain today was just magnificent. It reminded me of one of the most beautiful scenes from The Vampire Diaries.  It's Damon and Elena. They are supposed to be camping and watching the shooting stars. It suddenly starts pouring. Elena wants to stay where they are. She really believes that the storm will clear up. Damon laughs, even though he doesn't really believe the same thing. They look at each other and smile. It's just so beautiful. They kiss under the pouring rain. When they pull away, Elena looks at Damon and asks, "Promise me this is forever?" I see such love in her eyes when she asks him that. It's pure trust. It's unconditional. It's all-consuming. It's the hope that this is forever. Elena looks at him expectantly and he doesn't fail to set the bar high. He smiles down at her and says "I promise." The scene is so beautiful and you can really see the love between the characters. You can see passion. To me, it feels like


When I was on my way home last night, I was at the Tambaram railway station. It was after 9 o'clock. There was a girl - probably a year or two older than me - who was limping. She was holding her heeled sandals in her hand and was having a lot of trouble walking. My friend and I saw blood on her foot. My heart instantly went out to her. I knew that her shoes had probably hurt her. It has happened to me countless times. I know how much it hurts. You literally can't walk. My mom says 'the shoe bit you.' In my opinion, it does hurt as much as a bit would.  This girl was bleeding. I called her and asked her if she needed tissues to clean up. I happened to have some on me. She told me that she had already used some water to clean it. To me, it didn't look clean. Bright red blood was still glistening on her foot. She told me that if she used a tissue, it would burn her. I totally understood that. I asked her if she needed any help. She told me that her brother was going t

Vivid Description?

My professor gave us a pretty cool writing activity this morning. He was talking to us about vivid description and imagery and solidity of specification and a bunch of other stuff. He told us to write about the person on our right side.  I was instantly hooked. I love writing. I turned to my right to see my friend, VV (Vedhaviyaas). I scrutinized him for a moment, trying to figure out what I wanted to write. I turned and looked out the window, watching him out of the corner of my eye for a few moments before springing into action.  This is what I wrote...  As a cool breeze brushed past me, I turn to face it. I catch the breeze on my face. My professor is still giving us instructions, but I have been distracted. The sunlight glinting off his silver bangle as he jots down a scribble of notes. He rustles the pages of his notebook as he starts his activity. His pen runs across the page. The breeze ruffles his long hair. He lifts his hand to brush his hair back, out of his face.  "What


Before I start talking about this... I just have to give you the bridge of this masterpiece (How Did It End). Say it once again with feeling How the death rattle breathing Silenced as the soul was leaving The deflation of our dreaming Leaving me bereft and reeling My beloved ghost and me Sitting in a tree D-Y-I-N-G These lyrics are just so poetic and formal, yet they don't feel right for what Taylor is trying to convey. They look like something that she would want to present publicly - like a speech or report. Even though these lyrics are filled with emotion, as always, they aren't in her usual demeanor. I love how the song sounds like a ballad to her lover while it's also an elegy to what she lost.  The lyrics barely make sense, but the part I love the most is "D-Y-I-N-G." It's like she's trying to draw attention to the fact that she's dying inside. (Here comes my own perspective now). This song was written after her break-up with Joe Alwyn. Here, she

Studio Apartment

This is a very recent find of mine. The moment I heard it, it touched my heart. It was just magnificent and raw. It's written from the perspective of the girl who was left behind. I discovered the chorus of this song on an Instagram reel.  She gets the roses 'cause I picked the thorns She's got everything that I wanted and even more She gets your coffee that used to be me Now she's part of your every morning routine And you might share a big house with a garden But she never shared your studio apartment The narrator is telling us how she turned her lover into a man. She smoothened down the rough edges. She moulded her lover into the perfect guy. The perfect lover, partner, and husband. She tells us that this new girl might live in his new, big house now, but she wasn't with him when he was starting out. She tells us that she was the one who stayed with this guy all throughout his rough patches. She helped him through multiple crises.  She taught him all about romant

Those Eyes

(This is kinda poetic but I'm not a poet. So, it's in prose.) Someone's eyes have the power to break you. Well, of course, it's not just anyone. It's someone really important. You see everything you could ever want or need in them. These eyes can persuade you to do anything.  These eyes stare right into your soul and the look in them tells you that you are worth it. These eyes soften under your gaze. They strip you bare and can read every thought that runs through your mind. They see all your vulnerabilities. When you look into them, you feel like you can spend forever there. They tease you into admitting what you want. They are playful and serious at the same time. They are eyes you trust.  Everything else flies out the window. Every doubt you have disappears. In those eyes, you feel like you belong. You're at home when you're lost in them. They notice every microscopic change in you and you can read the changes in them.  At that moment, everything just fee

Kavitha Mam

So my professor told me to write a short story about one of our teachers. I decided to narrate an incident that happened when I was in the tenth grade. Let's go back to 2021.  She was always seen in a sari. She wore her hair in a bun at the nape of her neck. She always had 2 clips holding any stray hair back. She wore bangles on one hand and a watch on the other. wore a gold chain and had books in her hands at all times. We used to think she was scary - I'm sure people still do. (She was a very strict teacher whom we had known for 4 years. We were always very well-behaved in her class. It was only later that we all knew what a fun person she was. Of course, being a teacher, she had to be strict to maintain order in her class. We all loved her loads.) Kavitha Mam. One teacher I will never forget.  "Lekhaa," she called, walking into class one day, with another one of my teachers. It was March and it was tenth grade. Being part of the COVID batch, our board exams were &#

Hold On

'Hold On' by Chord Overstreet is a song commonly associated with The Vampire Diaries. It plays during the season finale when the characters say their final goodbyes to Stefan Salvatore. This is what the song is best known for in the series. The lyrics are as follows "Can you hear me screaming 'Please don't leave me?' Hold on I still want you Come back, I still need you" Stefan is undoubtedly one of the most important characters in the series. He has touched the lives of everyone. This song is an elegy to Stefan that the other characters deliver. They are all telling him that they need him. They just wish he could come back to life.  I, however, think the song could fit into another scene as well. The scene where Elena and Damon have their big argument in season 5. The lyrics go "Loving and fighting Accusing, denying I can't imagine a world with you gone" Here, Elena and Damon are having a huge fight. They both feel like their relationship is


The inspiration for this post came from the lyrics of the song 'Try' by Colbie Caillat. I first heard it on an Instagram reel and then went to listen to the whole song. The lyrics I really like are   "You don't have to try so hard You don't have to give it all away You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up, You don't have to change a single thing" The song starts out with the singer naming the things that a girl has to do to be liked. They are all stereotypical things like putting on makeup, getting a manicure done, curling her hair, and making sure she is slim. All these are related to a woman's physical body. The way people expect women to do this is kind of like body-shaming. Why does she have to fit a standard of beauty?  Next, she talks about romantic relationships. The singer points out that a woman is considered desirable if she has a lot of romantic relationships. But, at the same time, she is called a slut and a whore if she does so. Wha


Why do guys think it's okay to tease a woman for not being feminine? No woman can be a girly girl all the time. Why do guys think it's okay to tease a woman for being a woman. Like - dude - make up your mind for god's sake, please. You tease us for being feminine and for not being feminine. What on earth do you want us to do then?  Sometimes, a girl doesn't want to travel in the ladies' compartment on the train. That's okay. Right? Guys, do you know what happens in there? You literally can't breathe. If a woman is traveling - with her companions - in the general compartment, most men try to give her a bit of breathing room. Or, have you considered that she isn't comfortable traveling on her own? Is that not a valid reason to travel in the general compartment with her friends? Why does that have to be a question of her femininity or independence? Does that mean she is dependent, cowardly, or irresponsible? I don't think so.  Why do guys have to say &#

To Miss Someone Special

You feel your heart pounding in your chest. There was something that triggered you. It could have been a song or a voice or even a word. Your throat dries up and you feel a lump. You feel tears welling up in your eyes. You close your eyes and try to distract yourself, but your heart just hurts. You feel empty inside and drained of all your energy. All you want to do is curl up in a corner and let your emotions crash over you. You try to move past it but you just can't. Everything you see after that moment brings back memories. You can't stop them from flooding into your head. You can't stop them from taking over. There are so many people around you asking you what's wrong, but you can't bring yourself to tell them. They will just think you are being silly. The only thing you can do is let your feelings take over you. You can't stop them. Tears keep leaking out of your eyes at random times, even when you are laughing. You both want to remember and want to forget

Second-Person Perspective

I've recently started a new writing project that's going to be written completely in second-person perspective. I wanted to talk about what this means.  So, everyone knows that there are three writing perspectives. We are familiar with two of them; the first-person and third-person narrative. Let's take a moment to recall what they are. In the third-person narrative, there is someone outside the story who is taking us through it. In the first-person narrative, the storyteller is the speaker.  The second-person narrative is very rare (or so I have heard). This type of writing addresses the reader, making them the protagonist. It puts the reader in the middle of the action. I have always loved reading books from the first-person perspective. I thought it felt like a very personal experience that put me on the spot.  However, when I read my own second-person writing, I felt like it was even better. My writing is fantasy. I was thinking of the effect it would have if the story

2 Days

There's this thing that people believe... 'Just 2 days. If you want to know whether someone really loves you or not, all it takes is 2 days. Don't make any sort of contact with them. If you can't wait that long, think of this. Do you want to spend the rest of your life knowing whether they reciprocate your love or not? Brace yourself and wait for them. If they seek you out, you know that they value you. If not, you have your answer. It's time for you to leave.'  It's easy to say this or even to think about it, but it's really hard to follow it. How can you stop talking to someone who has become a part of your daily life? It's almost impossible. You will find yourself trying to cheat and contact them somehow. You will want to send them a sign that you want them to contact you. But, don't call them. Don't text them. Nothing.  You will realize how important you are to the people you love. You will know how much you mean to them. This will boost

Please Tell Then My Name

I was listening to 'Long Live' by Taylor Swift and when I heard these lyrics, something hit me. These words turned themselves into a farewell letter.  Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children some day When they point to the pictures Please, tell 'em my name Tell 'em how the crowds went wild Tell 'em how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life with you The letter that I visualized was something you would write to someone you loved with all your heart - whether platonic or romantic. It wouldn't be something you would share with them. It would be something that just gives you some closure. You don't want to part with them. You are asking them to stay with you forever. But, you soon realize that sometimes, it's just not meant to be. They might be your whole world but it just doesn't matter

Forgive Yourself First

Can I just say... you have to forgive yourself. You have to understand that things aren't always your fault. You can't keep blaming yourself for things that are out of your control.  If you hurt someone, ask them for your forgiveness. If you mean something to them, they are sure to forgive you. Once they do, it's time for you to forgive yourself.  Now, imagine that the other person is someone who considers you to be their best friend. Think of how it would hurt them if you kept blaming yourself. They have forgiven you and they just want you back. They understand that some things can't be controlled. Even though they were probably very hurt or angry, they got over it. The whole point of their anger or sadness was so that you knew not to repeat the same mistake over again. But, what's the point of it if you are going to blame yourself and isolate yourself and keep away from them. That's just totally counterproductive.  Would they have gotten mad or sad if they did

They Can't Wait

I wanted to share a very heart-touching story that my professor shared with us in class today. The message of the story was that forgiveness and apologies can't wait.  Here it goes... he recounted an incident that happened years ago. It was about one of his former students. This girl got into a tragic accident and passed away. During her funeral, her best friend was inconsolable with grief. At first, I thought that this was normal. Sorrow at her best friend's demise. He went on to tell us what she told him. She told him that she and her friend were fighting. Her friend had tried to apologize to her multiple times, but she didn't accept it. She was planning to apologize to her friend soon. "Where do I go apologize now?" she asked my professor. My professor was at a loss for words.  I realized that we never know what's going to happen next. Our emotions - once we decide that we are going to act upon them - shouldn't be suppressed. I don't mean to say act


Today, I was completely helpless and dependent on my friends. I had a pretty bad wound on my leg. I could barely take two steps without help. I started my day confidently, hoping I would be self-sufficient. That turned out to be a huge joke. I soon realized that I couldn't put any weight on my leg.  Luckily, I had invited a friend to help me get to class. I limped all the way to my block and my friend helped me up the stairs. Throughout the morning, a lot of people asked me if I was okay, including one of my professors. I eventually had to go to another building for my next class. Another one of my friends walked me half the way. I had to hold onto his arm very tightly in order to get down the stairs. Another one of my friends did the same for me when I ascended again. Later in the afternoon, the pain I felt was too much to bear. I couldn't take it anymore and succumbed to tears. One of my professors was my savior. He took me to the hospital and stayed with me until my brother

The Release of My Books

Today, I had the marvelous opportunity to release my first two books; my debut novel, "Werewolves of Brooklyn: Siege of the Dokkalfar" and a compilation of my blog entries "I Just Wanna Be A Girl."  I had been eagerly anticipating this day for the past few weeks and had also been putting work into technical aspects of the event. Writing has always been my dream and passion, so I had put a lot of love into my work. The day I could finally reap the benefits had arrived.  I had three special guests to witness the release of my books; my brother, Anderlin, and two of my oldest friends, Ani and Sri Siva. They were eager to accept my invitation and didn't disappoint. My brother greeted me with roses as a token of congratulations. They sat in the front of the auditorium with me and cheered me on as I went on stage.  I was really nervous and tensed as I walked up. My hands were trembling slightly. Honestly, I felt like the moment went by really quickly. The chief guest

Hermione Granger

Hermione Jean Granger, the brightest witch of her age. Now, that's not all she is. There is much more that people sometimes forget to remember about her.  One of the first things that we can look at is that she was socially awkward. In the first year, she didn't have any friends. Ron, of course, was quick to notice that and ridicule her. She was also called a know-it-all. She never really outgrew this title. Needless to say, her talent did come in useful in the future. But, it didn't stop her from being distanced initially.  The next thing is that she was extremely loyal, both to her friends and to her house. One such instance is when she helps Hagrid fight for Buckbeak. She manages to make time to help out her friend even though she has so much on her own plate. She has a kind soul. This is shown when she starts SPEW for the welfare of house-elves.  It's also important to know that she does have her flaws. She can be mean and she can be narrow-minded. She can be argume

Girl Code

The most important rule in the 'girl code' is to rescue any girl who looks like she needs help. She might be your worst enemy, but you should never leave her alone in an unsafe situation. If she asks for help or signals you for assistance, you must help her.  The next one is to be honest. If a girl asks you how she looks or if something needs fixing, it's your duty and responsibility to be honest. You have to tell her if she needs to adjust her clothes or if she is too showy. (It's up to her whether or not she listens to what you have to say. You just have to make sure someone tells her. You never know if she is clueless or just attention-seeking.)  Then there is the basic rule about relationships. Girls, don't try to get with your friend's ex. Siblings are out of the question too (unless you have permission). Think about how the situation would make your friend feel. You don't want to have to choose between her and the object of your affection. That certain

who's afraid of little old me

This is the title of a song from The Tortured Poets Department. To me, it feels like the singer is telling us that people have a habit of underestimating her.  I'm sure a lot of people feel like their abilities are often underestimated. People don't realize what you are capable of until you prove it. It's not enough to just say something. You have to show the world that you can do it. That's the only way you will earn their respect.  Here, the narrator is a monster or witch descending on a town who has shamed her. This town doesn't fear or respect her. She is trying to change that. She wants to show them just what she is capable of and terrorizes the town.  "So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street. Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream..."  The picture this creates in my mind is one of a devilish figure. She is all ready to be executed when she breaks her bonds and jumps onto the street. There's a party, where people are

Does a woman need to be protected?

This is pretty controversial. Most men think that women are people that need to be protected and aren't capable of protecting themselves. I believe that women are just as capable as men of protecting themselves. They will ask if they need help. I think there’s no need to smother them under the guise of ‘taking care of them.’ On the other hand, some women like to be taken care of. They might not need it but they appreciate it if a man takes the time and effort to take care of them. She definitely wants this man to know that she can protect herself and that she is allowing him to take care of her. Taking care of a woman is a hard job and men have to know what kind of woman they’re dealing with. Men need to know where to draw the line.  Women, I think, like to know that they are appreciated and cared for. However, in today's world, they are worried to show weakness. They are scared that they will be exploited if they show weakness - which is a pretty valid fear... Think about it..

The Perils of Driving

I am slowly learning that being a good driver isn't just about being confident in your driving. Self-confidence isn't all that matters. No matter how good of a driver you might be, you can't assure your safety on the roads.  I recently started driving myself to and from college. I knew I could do it. What I learned is that other people on the road are always in a rush. They aren't going to care that you are still learning. They aren't going to care that you are just being careful. They are going to be single minded and all they want to do is reach their destination as soon as possible.  Then, there are the buses. The bus drivers aren't going to care about you. You might be following all the rules and driving safely. However, that doesn't guarantee your safety. They are on tight schedules and have to reach each stop on time. Because of that, they have to drive this way. If they are worrying about everyone on the roads, they will never reach their destination.

The Werewolves of Brooklyn: The Siege of the Dokkalfar

This is the title of a book that I'm on the verge of publishing. It's my first book and I'd love you all to give it a read.  It's a story about a seventeen-year-old girl from Brooklyn, New York, Andrea Morgan. She is a stereotypical city teenager. She lost her mother when she was young and was raised by her dad, an FBI agent. There was always something unique about her.  This is a typical coming-of-age story. This story has a strong platonic theme. It shows the love between siblings, even though they aren't related by blood. Through the course of the story, the protagonist learns what unconditional love is while she deals with loss and grief. Andrea finds her rightful place in her world. This book is aimed at readers between the ages of 11-14. The main reason I wrote this book was that most of our supernatural (vampire and werewolf) media is A-rated. I wanted my work to be something that younger readers could enjoy. I wanted it to be something that parents would fee


Consistency isn't just something that teachers advertise. It's not something that you should just put out of your mind. There are some things that consistency gave me, that I think are pretty important.  The first one is that it gives me a sense of self-worth. When I do something consistently, I feel like I'm actually capable of doing something. I feel like I don't need anyone to tell me that I'm doing a good job. I know that I'm doing something useful and that I'm being responsible.  Next, being consistent shows other people that you are reliable. It tells people that they can trust you. These days, it's hard to find someone to count on. If you do something consistently, it means that you know how to appropriately manage your time. It's proof that the work assigned to you will get done. This is really important, especially in the professional world.  Consistency can also be extremely rewarding. For example, we were promised rewards like cash prizes

Turning off Your Emotions

Why do people assume that things can only get done if you do them without any emotion? I mean, doesn't having emotions make you better suited to make decisions. You can make good decisions if you feel passion for what you do. Isn't passion an emotion?  On the other hand, sometimes I have wondered whether it would be more convenient to turn them off. I have to admit that they get in the way sometimes. Also, emotions hurt. They can make you lose your mind and lose your cool. They might lead to divides in relationships - any kind of relationship. You might feel like you are being too clingy or that your affection isn't reciprocated. Without emotions, you can simply focus on your goals. You can drive all of your determination into what you have to achieve. But, again, what's the point in accomplishing anything if you can't be happy about it.  Losing your emotions can also protect you. It can protect you from getting hurt. It can help you make reasonable decisions. (I do

Silence is the Ultimate Sign of Trust

My inspiration today came from the lecture I listened to first thing in the morning. We were talking about the essay 'The Eloquent Sounds of Silence,' by Pico Iyer.  He says "Silence, then, could be said to be the ultimate province of trust: it is the place where we trust ourselves to be alone; where we trust others to understand things we do not say..."  The meaning that we derived from this was pretty intense and deep. My professor claimed that a true relationship doesn't need idle chitchat. A relationship where two individuals really trust each other completely doesn't have idle chitchat. They have serious sit-down discussions but they don't feel a need to always talk to one another. On the other hand, individuals who don't fully trust their partner feel the need to constantly keep up a conversation. She gave us an example of a husband and wife. She talked about how the couple don't sit around talking all day - maybe in the initial days of their

Just Another Day

I woke up this morning with no motivation whatsoever. I had nothing to look forward to during my day. For a few moments, I contemplated whether or not it was worth waking up. I did have to get up though. I got out of bed and got ready for college - still not looking forward to anything. I thought it was just going to be another mundane day.  My first two classes went by without action. My day became brighter when my brother woke up. He had an appointment and I got to accompany him. So, here's the thing... I hadn't seen my brother in a while and missed him quite a lot. I was pretty ecstatic to get to see him. I left campus to meet him. We had a chance to catch up as we were waiting. After the appointment, we drove around aimlessly for a while - which is something that we both enjoy. The best part was the light drizzle of rain. It reminded me of one of the first times we hung out. (It was pouring buckets that day.) As the rain picked up, we sought refuge at a friend's place..

Keeping Promises

So, here's the thing. When you tell someone that you are going to do something, they end up counting on you. They might be someone who hates expecting anything from anyone. But, they can't help but believe you when you promise something to them. It could be really petty, or serious. In that moment, they trust you, whether they want to or not.  Now, imagine that the thing you promised them is something really important to the other person. It was something that they were really counting on. In the end, you end up breaking your promise. Imagine that this is a really personal situation. You were the only person they needed.  Think of the pain they would be going through. As I said before, they don't trust easily. But, they chose to trust you. They hoped that you would bring them relief. But, you couldn't. You couldn't keep your promise. You were their last hope. Now, all that's left for them to do is disappear. They were really hoping that you would be able to help


Comfort can be found in many different places. Your comfort zone is a place where you feel safe or at ease. What you find comfortable might not be comforting to someone else. (That's important when you are trying to comfort someone. You don't want to force someone into something that they dislike.)  Your source of comfort could be reading a book. It could be listening to music or playing a musical instrument. It could be working out. It could be binge-watching your favourite TV show or series of movies. It could be walking or just sitting alone. It could even be eating. It doesn't really matter what it is that brings you comfort. The only thing that matters is that after you enjoy your 'activity,' you feel relaxed and at peace, and that the effects last for a while.  Your comfort zone could also be a person. They could be your home away from home. You could feel totally safe by their side. You don't even have to be with them physically. You could be talking to t

Someone To Talk To

Sometimes all you need is someone to talk to. You don't need to know them well. They don't need to be very familiar with you. That might make it easier for you. When you talk to someone you aren't close to, you feel like they won't judge you for not being yourself, because they don't know what your true self really looks like. You can just open yourself up to them.  When you start sharing your problems with someone, you feel like they are less daunting. You might not be looking for a solution to your problems. All you crave is someone who will take the time to listen to you. Unfortunately, that's hard to come by these days. People usually end up patronizing you. Finding someone who simply offers support is something that's really special and rare. After you talk to someone, you feel lighter. You feel like someone has heard your cries for help. Someone has heard what you have to say. You feel peace after being able to express yourself. For a little while, you

Losing Your Best Friend

When you lose your best friend, you feel like you lose a part of yourself. You find that everything reminds you of them. You are also reminded of the fact that they aren't around anymore. Everywhere you look, there's only emptiness.  Imagine your best friend. The one person who you could trust completely. You would quite literally put your life in their hands. You might not have known them for long, but the bonding that you share is inexplicable. They were your constant companion and were pretty much a ray of sunshine. You would turn to them if you needed anything at all. They were your source of inspiration and the only one who kept you going.  Now, think about this situation. You are the only one who has the time to miss your best friend. All you have is time and that hurts. It hurts so much you feel like tearing your heart out of your chest. You feel like it would be better to simply turn off all your emotions. You feel like a burden. You feel like you are clingy. You feel l

The Importance of Proofreading

I just published something a while ago (I'd rather not say what it was). I was astonished to find multiple little errors in my work. It might seem like a little thing to you, but imagine that you have the eyes of the world of you. You can't miss anything. Your grammar has to be flawless. You have to make sure that you don't leave any holes in your work (fiction or non-fiction, it doesn't matter).  You have to be sure you check your work over and over again. You might be sure that you wrote things correctly the first time, but I'm sure there are things that you missed. I mean, mistakes are okay. They are natural. But, the thing is, as I said earlier, you have the eyes of the world on you. You don't know who's going to read your work.  You need to make sure you know your facts. People reading your work might know more about the subject than you do. You can't make mistakes when it comes to basic information about the subject you're writing about. It'

Lady Danbury

Lady Danbury is - in my opinion - one of the most powerful and strong characters in the Bridgerton series.  Her troubles start early. She is subjected to marital rape multiple times. Her husband was an elderly man. During this time - time period - she couldn't raise her voice against the abuse she suffered. She was betrothed to him at the age of 3 and was pretty much raised for him - for his pleasure and to his liking.  When her husband died, she didn't know whether or not her son could inherit his father's title - Lord Danbury. She realized that her security was at stake. This was the time when the colored and white sections of the society first united. Financial security was very important. She needed to assure her family's well-being. She played a cunning game with Princess Augusta to ensure her fortune.  During this period, Lady Danbury was both a colored member of society and a woman. That meant that life was very hard for her. She secured a place for herself in th