My Greek Odyssey

I was inspired to write this blog entry by one of my friends who recently published an entry about how she got into Greek mythology through The Song of Achilles. She wrote how most people would assume that Percy Jackson was everyone's entry into the mystical world. I realized that I was one of those people. I am someone who entered Greek Mythology through Rick Riordan. I started reading Percy Jackson at 12 and now I own the Percy Jackson series, the Heroes of Olympus, the Trials of Apollo, and a couple of companion novels as well. Yes, a whopping 18 books in total, proudly stacked up in my personal 'library'. Most Greek myths are hard to follow and understand. Rick Riordan however manages to simplify things without changing what the story is actually trying to tell us. In his first five books, he speaks from the unique perspective of a demigod boy, which adds an element of humour to otherwise boring tales of myths and monsters and gods, and whatever else is featured in Gre...