SLP Diaries - Part 4
This week, we visited the RSL school on Tuesday instead of Friday because some of our teammates were headed to an inter-collegiate competition on Friday. As soon as I entered the school, two kids came running up to me and almost jumped on me to give me a hug and greet me. I went to teach the second graders, just like last week. We thought the students would benefit from some level of consistency.
We started the session with a story. It was one about a fox who turned blue and was worshipped by the villagers. The other animals got jealous and eventually ended up killing the blue fox. (Now. this wasnt the story mentioned in the book. I improvised to make it simpler for the children to understand.)
The session went on reasonably calmly. The only clamor I saw was because of the children's enthusiasm to learn something new. (We were teaching them words based on things we see around the classroom. I wrote the words on the board and they all wanted to spell the words without looking at the board to earn a star sticker. I had given them each a bright pink sticky note to stick their stickers.) I do want to note that two students in my group were very enthusiastic and eager to learn. Mithralakshana and Rithesh. These two were very attentive when we were telling the story.
I don't have much feedback today. I would however like to announce that we have finished the first two units in our syllabus and are pleased to move on to unit 3, puppet theatre. This is one unit I'm really looking forward to.
Stay tuned to hear more about the program.
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