The Magic of Storytelling - A Society of Storytellers

Yesterday morning, I had the honor of playing a key role in inaugurating my department's Service Learning Program. This was my brainchild, conceived years ago. I always wanted to spread the importance of reading and the effects it can have on children. 

As someone who began listening to stories at a really young age, I know the impact it can have on someone. Books give us a huge amount of general knowledge - even if it's fantasy you choose to read. My preferred genre is fiction. These books have given me a vast vocabulary and impeccable grammar skills. These are things that you just acquire. I never had to put any work into this. 

We all know how important English is in this world. This project will help children improve their language skills and will help them fall in love with reading. I hope they will know what it can give them and they will want to do it on their own. 

This project was even presented before MCC's principal, Dr. Paul Wilson in a special ThinkTank meeting under Dr. Samuel Rufus. 

I was exhilarated during the inauguration. I climbed on stage and began talking about this project - this dream of mine. I'm so pleased to see that it has taken shape and will soon be changing lives for the better


  1. That's amazing! It is indeed really noble of you to give the opportunity of reading for underprivileged children. You are a sensation and a commendable student.


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