Indian Genius

My most recent read is a book called "Indian Genius: The Meteoric Rise of Americans in India" by Meenakshi Ahamed. This book was published by Harper Collins. I was instantly captivated by the introduction to this book. 

As most of you know, I grew up in the US. I was pleased to see a lot of the differences I noticed between the Indian and American cultures and cities mentioned in the book. These are things I have seen for myself, which helped me visualize what the author was talking about. 

The author picked 15 prominent Indian Americans to discuss in her book. She also included riveting exclusive interviews. 

I enjoyed reading about each individual, but found the information overloading my brain. It felt like there was a lot in there that I couldn't remember. For example, where each individual was born and what their parents did for a living. I really liked reading, but this book had a lot of information. I persevered through the book and found certain parts that grabbed my attention. One example is the ending of the book, talking about Indian Americans born in the US. She mentioned the Spell Bee, which is something I actually tried once, way back then. 

I have the honor of meeting Mrs. Ahamed on the 20th of January and talking about this book with her. I hope I can do her book justice when we interact. I look forward to meeting such a prominent individual. 


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