The End

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a long time. I do have a reason I've been MIA which I hope to reveal to you all soon. Today, however, I wanted to talk about the ending. 

When I say ending, I'm talking about ending a project. For example, when you are about to finish writing a book. You feel a sense of apprehension. You don't want it to end. You have grown attached to the characters and world you created. You have poured bits of your heart and soul into them. When the book ends, you feel like those pieces of you will be gone. 

Endings are always bittersweet. But here's the thing, you can't start something new without ending another one. Endings open so many doors to so many new things. I am on the verge of an ending now. This morning I was thinking of what to do next. I was pretty confused. For the past few days, I've slowed down progress in my project for this very reason. I didn't know what to do next. I needed this to fill my days and give me some purpose. 

Just this morning, I realized that I can't do anything else if I am stuck on this project. I realized that I shouldn't slow down. Once I'm done, I can look for my next big thing. 

PS - my project is my third book. I'm almost ready to release it. Stay tuned for the title announcement and details about the plot. 



  1. That's what they say, "All good things must come to an end." Through all the trial and error, all the laughters and tears, all the suffering and excitement, you have to stop one day and look back at how far you've come and behold the view from the top of the mountain, while thinking about your next journey.


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