True Diamonds

So, the inspiration for this post originated from a typo. My friend was telling me to try the song 'Diamonds.' When he typed it out, it said 'true diamonds' instead of 'try diamonds.' So, here it goes. 

When I heard this, I started thinking about who a true diamond of a person was. A gem - or a diamond - of a person is obviously very rare. You might not find a person like that often. When you do, make sure you don't try to push them away or chase them away. You will regret it once you lose them and you might find yourself wishing you realised what you had when they were by your side. 

We can also say that they are expensive. By that, I mean that the relationship takes a lot of effort to maintain, but it's surely worth every ounce of energy you spend. There are going to be times when you want to let go. You might find yourself doubting whether the relationship is worth it or not. But trust me when I say this, a good, strong, healthy relationship takes loads of effort. You will have to adapt yourself to suit the other person - and they will have to do the same for you. It's a sign of how strong your bond is when you don't complain about things you have to do for the other person. 


  1. Learning to love someone can be hard but it is the only sign that shows that you truly love and care for that person.


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