Love Is A Need

Here, I don't only mean that receiving love is a need. Giving love is also an equally important need. (Whether romantic or platonic.) 

There are times when you absolutely need to receive love. There's nothing else that can cheer you up. All you want is to lie in the arms of your favourite person, doing nothing at all. You could be sitting in complete silence and it wouldn't matter. Or you might just want some acknowledgment. You might want them to remember your presence. You could be expecting something really small, like them remembering your favourite things, but you might not have the courage to ask them. Or rather, you might be curious to see if they would do it without a push from you. 

Giving love is something that makes one feel needed. When you shower love on someone, you feel like you can do something useful. They make you feel needed - which, let's face it, really helps with one's self esteem. If you are away from that person for a while, the need just intensifies. You can't help but shower them with all the love and affection that you have been holding back. It might feel like you are smothering them, but it's not something you can help. 

The point I'm trying to make is that love isn't something that can be avoided, or put away to give or take at a later time - according to your convenience. It's just something that's totally natural and it doesn't conform to the boundaries of time. 


  1. An excellent take. I completely agree with you on this. Knowing your potential for love and not having that love to give can break someone. But they fail to realise that they need to accept that for themselves sometimes. You can't just be heartless and keep all your love locked away.


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