How do you help someone you love when they are in need? Is there any particular way that you can help? What if you aren't really sure what to say? This is a question that has stumped me for so long. 

Imagine that someone you love needs you. You are the only person they talk to and they need your support. But, here you are, with no idea how to help. Some of the things they say might be completely new to you. The only thing you are sure of is that you aren't going to let them deal with things on their own. You know that your conscience wouldn't allow that. Be honest, would you be able to rest easy knowing that they are suffering - or are in any kind of pain? 

Physical pain is easier to help with. You could go sit by their side, holding their hand and assuring them that they will be alright. But when it's emotional, you can often find yourself at a loss about what to do. Sometimes, there's no right thing to say. You just have to take extra care not to hurt them any more than they already are. You just have to assure them that you aren't going to leave them, no matter what happens. It might be hard sometimes. It might take a toll on you. It's going to demand a lot of your attention. But, if you really love them, it's worth it. Right? 

You might not be able to help them, but the fact that you try to do so has to count for something. Just try your best. Give it what you have. 

What would you do if something like this happened? 


  1. The fact that you feel bad and try to help as much as you want to although you don't have the answer to their worries shows just how considerate you are to that person. If they're a thankful friend, they'll definitely keep in mind those who never left their side when they are at their lowest.


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