
Can you really expect anything from someone else? Do you have the right to do so? Can you meet someone else's expectations? What do you do when someone expects something and you are so sure you can't deliver? You feel like you can never live up to what they ask of you - even though it's something that they really need. 

Let's look at having expectations first. I think it depends on who you expect things from. You need to make sure that they are okay with you placing expectations on them. I, however, hate expecting things from anyone. In the past, everyone I have expected things from - no matter how simple - has let me down. A part of me just shies away from depending on anyone for anything. I only ask for things if I absolutely need them. But, in the end, it's not a surprise to me if I am disappointed. The main idea is not to expect too much. If you do, you are just setting yourself up for hurt. Ask yourself if it's worth it. If it is and if you truly believe that your hopes will be met, go for it. But make sure to think it through time and time again. 

Then comes meeting expectations. I don't think you can live up to what someone wants from you unless you really want to. You can't just set your mind to doing it. It won't work. It has to be subconscious. Another thing to consider is that you just might not be able to do it. By that, I mean that you might want to, but you are literally incapable of doing so. What happens then? You have to admit that you have your limits. If the other person has genuine affection or even respect for you, they will understand. You shouldn't have to push yourself past your limits to do something, just because someone else asked for it. 

I know, sometimes you might feel like you have no right to expect things from anyone, but take a moment and reverse the situation. You would want your loved ones to ask you for things. After all, we are all human. We all have needs. The important thing is how you ask and whom you believe. 


  1. A wise man once said, "Keep your expectations low and you will not be disappointed." Words to live by.


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