
This post is a tribute to my favourite stuffed animal. Yes, I know that's unconventional. She is a brown and white beagle. I have had her since I was around 2 or 3 years old. I eventually decided to name her 'Candy,' because I claimed she smelled like chocolates - I assure you, she doesn't anymore. She smells like laundry detergent after the number of times my mom put her in the washing machine. 

A little while ago I had to go through something that I was afraid of. I remember how I used to take my stuffed animal to the doctor when I was younger. I started to recall all the memories I had with her. 

She and I were inseparable. There is one moment that lives in my head vividly. One afternoon when I was around 7 or 8 years old, Candy went to take a bath - ie, she needed to be washed. I was waiting eagerly for her to come out of the dryer. When my dad opened the machine, I peered in and she was sitting on one of the 'wings' (I don't know exactly what they are called) inside the machine. 'She was waiting for you to find her,' my dad claimed. I pulled her out and cuddled her against my cheek, enjoying her warmth. 

She would keep my nightmares away when I held her close as I slept. When I woke up scared, the first thing I would look for was her. I remember how I would tuck her into my bed, under the blankets, when I went to school. I remember rushing home to check if she was still there when I got back. 

I just want to take a moment to appreciate how important a stuffed animal can be in a person's life. Especially one that has 'grown up' with them. There are a million more things I could say about Candy, but it would be best if they remained between the two of us. 


  1. Awwwwwwwwwww. That's such a heart melting story😭 I've a panda bear too. He's the cutest!


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