Bonnie and Damon

Bonnie and Damon's relationship is something that I really covet. They were enemies who became best friends. 

Initially, Bonnie hated Damon for multiple reasons. One of which was that Damon indirectly led Bonnie's grandmother to her death. Bonnie and Damon did work together before their friendship, but that was only because she was best friends with Elena - who was with Stefan Salvatore, Damon's brother. 

As the seasons pass, Damon and Bonnie are trapped in a prison world together. This is where their bond flourishes. They are all they have. There's nothing they can do but eventually get along with each other. The thing I like most about their relationship is its platonic nature. (It's different in the books, but in the show, Bonnie and Damon could be called platonic soulmates.) 

Their friendship also showcases the changes in Damon's character. He and Bonnie hated each other, but in the end, they became the best of friends. Damon would sacrifice anything to save his true love, Elena. But, eventually, he makes the same choice for Bonnie. He puts her life first and becomes one of her fiercest protectors. (They do obviously still have their ups and downs.) 

I know this isn't a lot of information or details... but here's the thing. Their relationship is too beautiful to be put into words. It's just so pure (in the TV show). It's the kind of friendship that everyone wants. 


  1. Having a friend who puts you in front of others is something everybody wishes they had.


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