A Try-on-a-thon

What's the point of trying on a bunch of clothes that you know you aren't going to buy? I'm sure those of you who like trying on clothes just for the pleasure of doing so have heard this question over and over again. 

Let me give you my answer. I personally love trying on dresses. I have a strict mom who has pretty strict rules. (Who doesn't?) Let's not go into her rules right now. *insert eye roll here* 

I feel invigorated when I try on things that I think will look good on me. I recently tried on a really pretty black dress. It was on the shorter side and I was a little shy to come out of the dressing room to show my friend. But one good look in the mirror was all it took to convince me. I gathered up my confidence and shook off my insecurities as I walked out. 

I'm someone who usually wears jeans and a shirt of some kind. When I try on a fancy dress, I feel connected to my feminine side. I've had people say "Nee ponnu nu maranthuren di," to me countless times. (Yes, I do hang out with guys a lot and I'm comfortable doing so. But, that doesn't mean that I don't want to embrace my womanhood.) When I dress up like that - even if it's just for a few minutes - I can remind people that I am indeed a woman. 

I also can prove to myself that I can pull off things like that. (I recently tried on a low-cut dress which I thought looked stunning. I wasn't sure if I would be able to carry it, but I did.)

The point I'm trying to make is that the point of trying on clothes isn't just to buy them. You could try them on just for the simple pleasure of proving something to yourself or to boost your self-esteem or confidence. 


  1. I recently got into window shopping myself. My sister persuaded me into trying it out and it's become one of my guilty pleasures.


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