Watch Your Words

Your words have a lot of power. You have to make sure that you don't abuse them. You have to remember that the person you are talking to is also a person with feelings, just like yours. Be empathetic when you talk to someone. Before you speak, think of what you are saying. Once you say something, you can't take it back easily. 

You have to remember that words can hurt a person more than something physical can. You have to be alert when you're talking. Your words might seem trivial to you, but they could have a really long-lasting effect on the person who receives them. 

The person surely trusts you with their feelings. They hope you won't hurt them like they have been hurt in the past. But, think of how hurt they would be when you say something (obviously, you didn't mean it, but it still hurts.) That's when you have to be really careful. You might not be thinking straight. You might be caught up in the moment. But, that's not an excuse to say things without thinking them through. You might hurt someone you love. And I'm sure that's the last thing any of you want to do. 

The point I'm trying to make is not to lose focus when you're talking to someone. Make sure you are fully aware of what you are saying so you don't regret it. 


  1. "தீயினாற் சுட்டபுண் உள்ளாறும் ஆறாதே
    நாவினாற் சுட்ட வடு."


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