I'm Damned If I Do Give A Damn What People Say

Yesss! You can't let anyone control you. I have been mentioning this over and over again for quite a while now. 

The most important thing is that you know what you are doing. You don't have to explain everything to the whole world. The people who really matter in your life won't question you. Here, when I say question, I don't mean that they won't check up on you and make sure that you are alright. I mean that they won't judge you for making your own decisions. The relationships that you make are yours. The world might look at them differently. They might be wrong. You can't sit around correcting everyone. If you do, you won't realize that the time you have to actually be in the relationship that you are fighting for is gone. 

It's your life guys. You have to live it how you want to. If you keep waiting for someone's approval, you are never going to get anything done. If you are clear with what you want, that should be enough. The thing is, someone is always going to have something to say. Someone is always going to try to put you down. If you keep listening to everything, you aren't going to get anywhere. 

The title of this entry is actually a song lyric, from Lavender Haze. It's basically telling people not to worry too much about what other people have to say. It's telling us to live our life the way we want to. 


  1. Born to be a rebel! I love this idea. We choose our own destiny. So if we do indeed fail, we can actually learn something.👏


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