'Cause He Really Knows Me


"I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck, chain round my neck
Not because he owns me, but cause he really knows me." 

This is a lyric that I can really understand. When you wear someone's initials, it doesn't mean that they own you. It doesn't mean you are theirs. It's not a symbol of ownership. It's a symbol that the initial you are wearing means something to you. It can be that of your best friend, your parents, your partner, or your own as well. 

I think it's a big honour if someone wears your initials. It means that you have made a great impact on their lives. If they are wearing it, it obviously means that it's a positive impact that you made on them. It might not seem like much to you, but you probably did something that they really needed. You might have made them believe in themselves again. You might have boosted their confidence. You might have been their biggest supporter. You might have been the reason they succeeded in their endeavours. You might have listened to them when they needed someone to talk to. You might have been just the person they were waiting for. 

Whatever you did, they are probably really thankful to you for what you did. They respect you immensely and that's something that doesn't go away easily. 

You should really be honoured if someone chooses to wear your initials. 


  1. My sister wears my initial on her necklace all the time. That must mean I'm winning as her brother!


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