Abusive Households

What happens to a person raised in an abusive household. When I say abusive, I don't only mean it in a physical sense. Abuse can be mental or emotional too. 

When a person grows up in such a household, small noises scare them. When they were young, a loud noise - or rather something banging around - meant that their parents were angry. Their flight or fight response is activated. They are instantly on alert. This sound was a sign that their parents might take out their anger on them. They have to be ready to defend themselves - physically or mentally. Even the sound of the door closing makes them jump. 

When a person has been subject to emotional abuse, it means that they never feel like they are worthy. A small change in their loved ones makes them feel guilty. The change in the tone of how someone talks to them scares them into thinking that they did something wrong. They feel the need to apologize constantly because they know that they know that they can't bear to lose another person that they love. They might not have done anything wrong, but they still apologize. However, it takes them some time to realize that it's not their fault. After all, all they have known is that things are always their fault. Any small change in their parents' attitude was blamed on them. 

Their parents blamed them for everything. Another sign is when a person has trouble displaying their emotions in public. In the past, they were criticized for showing any sort of emotion. If they laughed out loud, they were chastised for doing so. ("Why are you laughing over some nonsense? Are you crazy?") If they cried, they were accused of trying to guilt trip their parents ("Aren't we doing enough for you?" they would scream.)

They constantly have to question themselves as to what they did wrong. They are always wondering why their parents keep subjecting them to this. They never feel like they are enough and they can't believe it if someone assures them that they are indeed worthy. 

If you see someone with these signs, be gentle with them. They are trying to get better. They are trying to get used to this kind of stuff, but you need to understand that it's hard. Home is supposed to be a place that nourishes a person and helps them grow positively. Think of how you would feel if you didn't feel safe in your own house. 


  1. As far as I've heard of abusive households, I could only tell that I couldn't last a day in one. I feel very sorry for people of the same age as me coming from an abusive household. It definitely breaks one, just to hear their stories. Imagine the person's feelings and how they must be tormented.

  2. In awe of your writing skills... The short sentences, the perfect usage of words, and also the relatable statements make this a perfect read!


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