The guys

Hanging out with 'the guys' is really amazing. Let me tell you about it. 

For starters, they are not judgemental. You can tell them whatever you want to without having to worry about them looking at you differently. You don't have to worry that their perspective of you would change. Secondarily, you are very very safe with them. (I was hanging out with my brother and his friends. They pretty much adopted me.) This aspect is especially important if you are clumsy (like me). Third, they are really good listeners. Sometimes, girls are judgemental. They might pretend to care about you when you talk to them, but they might be glad that you are going through these problems. 

(The next few things I want to mention might be trivial.)

Fourth, you don't have to worry about food getting wasted. If you get full, they'll finish your food for you. If you don't like what you ordered, the same principles apply. They also make sure that you eat. (Read: you will be force-fed if you haven't had a proper meal - their definition of proper is different from ours.) Fifth, you don't have to carry anything. They will carry your things - yes, your handbag as well if you ask nicely. Sixth, you can get all the pictures you want. (The guys I hang out with are pretty good at taking a whole bunch of good pictures of me.)

You can also learn a lot about life from them. The stories they tell you and the experiences that they share can show you that your problems are pretty minor. Their experiences teach you what to do and what not to do. The best part is that they aren’t trying to preach to you.

These are just some of the many things that I noticed over the past 2 days. I’m sure there are a lot more things you can experience with the guys and that there are many points that I forgot to mention.


  1. I'm glad you have a group of guys who look after you responsibly. 🙌 Don't loose such good friends.


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