Social Anxiety

I was inspired to write this post when I heard a few of my seniors talking about social anxiety and how socially anxious people are often mistaken for introverts. I realized that not many people really understand what social anxiety is.

Social anxiety is an intense and persistent fear of being judged or watched by others. If it isn't dealt with, it can thwart a person's ability to form relationships. It can also keep them from initiating or maintaining a conversation. This anxiety can affect a person in all spheres of their life. 

Social anxiety, which is actually mental, can also affect our body physically. People might feel nauseous in social situations. They might experience an increase in heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, blushing, stammering, or trembling. 

People who have social anxiety dread how others think of them. They are very self-conscious and feel like they have a spotlight trained on them. They think that everyone is watching them, which makes them feel the need to be perfect i.e., they have high performance standards for themselves. 

One way that a person can reduce their social anxiety is to build up their self-esteem. You are perfect. You just need to believe it. You don't have to worry about proving yourself to others. There are only a few people in your life who really matter, and if they genuinely care about you, they will love you for who you are. Another way is to practice public speaking. The more you do something you are afraid of, the easier it will become. 

I believe that social anxiety can be overcome if you set your mind to it. You just need to be motivated properly. 


  1. You perspective resonates with me. This is a topic that needs to be talked about and thanks for doing it!💕 it was a good read!

  2. Even though this is a complex and fairly sensitive issue which requires it's own tangled yet professional ways to fixation, It's great that you chose to write about something that actually needs discussion and what actually matters. We need more of such quality content which actually has thought provoking impact on the readers and genuinely intriguing topics. I appreciate that.

  3. Really bold of you to discuss about a topic which is so sensitive to people who undergo social anxiety. It needs to be discussed further so that people can find ways to overcome their fears of being judged. Great perspective!👏


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