Sexist Jeans

One of the major complaints that girls or women give for jeans is the size of pockets. It's something that I face as well. The pockets of my jeans are tiny. They barely even fit my phone. The back pockets are slightly bigger, but they aren't really safe. 

Recently, I heard about the reason for this. Or at least what people think is the reason. So, traditionally men were breadwinners in the family. It was believed that they would have more money in their wallet - which goes into their pocket. It was believed that women wouldn't really have much money. This was the sexist thought that led to tiny pockets on pants and no pockets on most dresses. 

Another reason for this might be to boost the sales of purses. If women had spacious pockets, they wouldn't need handbags. 

Truth be told, women have more things to carry - other than their wallets. Our pockets can't even fit a sanitary pad. A lot of women even carry makeup with them. They don't fit in their pockets and women have to carry them in their hands. 

Maybe in the past, small pockets could have been feasible. But now - in current times, it's not. Women's clothes need pockets. A handbag is cumbersome to carry around in my opinion. It could be used as an accessory occasionally, but when you don't have pockets, a handbag becomes a burden. 


  1. This is so true. This is such a backward thinking for designing Women's jeans. This MUST be changed.


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