One Good Hug

Close your eyes and imagine seeing your favorite person in front of you. This is the person you feel safest with. The person who knows you inside and out. Imagine them smiling at you and opening their arms wide. They nod at you and you break into a smile. You run to them and jump at just the right moment. You jump into their arms and they catch you. You wind your arms around their neck as they spin you around. You feel yourself melting into their embrace and sighing, all the worry inside you melting away. 

Imagine sitting in the arms of someone you really love. Or sitting on their lap, their arms around you. Your head is resting on their shoulder or chest. You can feel their steady breathing. You can feel their hair tickling you. Imagine feeling time stop when you are there. Your breathing slows down and you calm down. The world slows down and your mind stops spinning. 

That feels really good, doesn't it? One good hug is all you need. It can be the solution to all your problems. When we hug someone that we love, we feel complete. This is because their heart is on the side opposite to yours. It feels like both sides of your body have a heart, at that moment. 

Let's look at it scientifically. A hug slows down our heart rates and decreases the level of the stress hormone in our body. Hugging makes us feel calm, safe, and relaxed. Hugs allow your body to release oxytocin, which relieves stress and promotes feelings of happiness or contentment. Hugging also releases endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers. This is why a hug feels like it can physically heal you. 

Emotionally, a hug makes you feel loved. You feel safe in the arms of someone you love. This builds trust and allows you to open up more. This leads to open communication and honesty. A hug also boosts your self-esteem. You must have heard of the phrase 'hug it out.' A hug can be the solution to misunderstandings or conflicts. 

To me, a hug makes me feel validated. It makes me feel like I'm worth being loved. A hug makes me feel safe and comfortable around the other person. 

Hugs are really important. Get out there and hug your loved ones!


  1. Some say it's just a hug, while only people deprived of those hugs truly value the soul connection that happens when hugging the person you love.


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