My Love for Harry Potter

Harry Potter was one of the first series of novels I read. I started reading them when I was 8 years old and I couldn't get enough. I blazed through them and I found out that I absolutely loved them. 
It was such a pleasure to watch the characters grow up, learn about life, and form new relationships. I was so lucky to lose myself in the world of Harry Potter. At first, I only loved the book for the story. I loved the idea of a magical world and a boy who learned to find his way in it. As I kept reading it as I grew up, I looked at it from different angles. 
I loved Rowling's writing style. I loved her simple writing style. It was clear that she understood her intended audience well. She wrote in such a way that children could understand it without much confusion. She knew what children would expect from a book and met those expectations. She also understood her audience's attention span and made sure her story was fast-paced. 
The world of Harry Potter also allowed me an escape from reality, which I was thankful for. It felt so good to lose myself in the story. In a world where every problem could be fixed with a wave of a magic wand. 


  1. Although you say that it's intended writing style is simple and clear to understand, I somehow feel that I'll be lost in the plot if I tried to read it anyway🤔


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