Making Someone Feel Special

People these days don't feel like they are special to their loved ones. They feel like they can be replaced easily and that they aren't really worth much. Everyone deserves to feel special. Right? These are some things that I do to make my loved ones feel special and things that I have noticed them doing for me. 

The first one is listening to them. I don't mean tolerating what they are saying, I mean really listening to them. You have to show them that what they have to say really matters to you. When they think that they are replaceable, reassure them, saying that they can't be replaced. Remind them that you care. Remember, it's not just about words. Prove it to them through your actions. Spare time for them, even if it means rearranging your schedule. Make it a point to include them in your life. Show them that they are important to you. (This can even be as simple as asking for their opinions.) Make them feel needed. Have deep meaningful conversations with them. This shows that you value their opinions. Do things for them that you wouldn't do for anyone else. (To me, putting down my book for someone is a sign that they are special to me.)

You can also surprise your loved ones with things that they like. Things that they may have mentioned that they have been wanting for a long time. You can take them to places that they want to visit. Give them sincere compliments. Make it clear to them that you notice the little things about them, that many people probably overlook. Be sure to remind them that you will be around for them when they need support. 

One of the ways that people make me feel special is by remembering little things that I have told them. They do things that I like even if they aren't totally involved in it. They take the time to know what I like and dislike, my fears, hopes, and dreams. They are a little possessive over me, which shows me that I am important to them. They constantly wash away my doubt and my negative thoughts while valuing my opinions. They cheer me up when I need to be. 

Every person needs different things to make them feel special and loved. Learn what those are and make sure your loved ones know that they are very special to you. 


  1. An endearing thought. This is how people should actually maintain relationships 👏👏👏 Everyone must learn from this and keep a healthy relationship with their loved ones.


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