Just Cry. It's Okay

"Just cry. It's okay," is something that people need to hear more often. People think that tears are a sign of seeking attention, being weak, or not being able to handle things on your own. In reality, I believe that tears are a sign that you have emotions. It means you are human. 

People are so afraid of being judged that they just pretend that they are okay with whatever is thrown at them. They prefer to suffer alone while acting happy and cool in front of other people. People are scared that they will be ridiculed if they express their negative emotions. 

I disagree with this and encourage people to express themselves. Bottling it all up is just going to hurt. Maybe even physically. It's just going to increase your anxiety and stress you out. Holding in all the hurt you are feeling will lead you to keep dwelling on the things causing negativity. 

Crying is an emotional release for pent-up emotions. Even happiness. I think it's strange that tears of joy are encouraged and celebrated while tears of sorrow are judged. When people cry out of sadness, their problems aren't validated. People tell them that they aren't the only ones with problems. But, people deal with problems in different ways. Some people need to cry first. This clears their mind so they can think logically to solve their problems. Crying is normal and I think it's cruel that people are led to be scared to do so. 

I think people need to hear that someone will let them cry. Someone needs to tell them that it's okay to cry their heart out and that they are there for them. Go be that person for someone. I'm sure they will be really thankful for you. Just reassure them that you won't judge. Remind them that they don't have to be ashamed of their feelings. 


  1. But what happens when one runs out of tears to shed?🚶


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