It's Okay To Be Vulnerable

Being vulnerable is often misunderstood as being weak. Vulnerability is a sign of feeling safe and secure. When we embrace vulnerability, other people see our true selves. Being yourself helps build better relationships. 
People are scared to be vulnerable. They are worried that they will ridiculed or judged. Vulnerability is rare. People don't really show their true selves to others. People should know that it's okay to show they are vulnerable - after all, it is a sign of being human. Humans are supposed to have emotions and they are allowed to feel. Right? 
The world is cruel. It misjudges vulnerability as a weakness. In my opinion, feeling secure enough to be vulnerable is actually a sign that you are emotionally and mentally strong. You don't have to be vulnerable in front of everyone, but at the same time, you can't keep your emotions to yourself. It's okay to be insecure sometimes. It's okay to be afraid of the scary possibilities of the future. 
Something I always tell my best friend is that it's okay to let your emotions get out of hand sometimes. It's okay to let your emotions control you. It's when a person is emotional that you get to see their real nature. You get to see what they are really thinking and feeling. Bottling it all up is just going to make it harder. I might not have a solution, but I will always listen to what you have to say. I always reassure him that I won't judge him when he's in a bad place. 
I think that's something that everyone needs to learn. It's not okay to judge people by their flaws. Is it so hard to look for the good in people? All judging is going to do is make the person feel bad about themselves and develop an inferiority complex. Do we really need that?
Through your actions, remind people that there is good in the world. Make them feel safe when they are showing you their vulnerable side. Make sure they feel validated and safe. 


  1. The harsh reality that some people feel is that they don't even know what's bothering them. They don't know what they're feeling or what it is that's bothering them. Maybe some people just find it hard to put their feelings into words because they don't even know why they're feeling what they feel in the first place.


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