It All Starts At Home

(Warning: This is pretty emotional and traumatizing. Read with care)

Everything you feel, good or bad, starts at home. Home is supposed to be the place where you feel safe. It should be somewhere that you can feel free to be yourself and express yourself. It should be where you can learn who you are. You should get support there. People at home are supposed to make you feel loved. But, what if you don't get these essential things. 

What if your parents don't support the decisions that you make? (You are not a little kid anymore. You have ideas and dreams of your own.) Even if other people believe in you, there's always going to be a part of yourself that thinks you will fail because your own parents - who are supposed to know what you are capable of - don't think you will make it. What if your parents are the ones who tell you that you are fat (when you actually aren't)? You are going to end up starving yourself just to prove to them that you aren't. 

What if they keep criticizing you at every turn? They don't have suggestions, but they won't let you try things out either. They call everything you do silly. They don't give you the space to learn about yourself. What if they don't allow you to show emotions (they scold you for shedding a tear or for laughing too loud)?  You can't be happy or sad there. What would you do then?

This is why I believe that everything starts at home. Everything you like or dislike about yourself starts at home. Yes, happiness should come from within, but how will you be able to find that happiness without an environment that fosters love and peace. No matter how many times people tell you that you should love yourself, you won't be able to because the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally don't make you feel loved. You are going to end up feeling like you aren't worth being loved. I think that is the worst thing that you can feel. No matter how much love you receive outside your home, you are going to question it. Even if people assure you that their love is unconditional, you are going to wonder how someone can love you unconditionally. 

That's when a home becomes a house. It is the worst feeling in the world when you can't feel safe and secure in the one place where you should be. 


  1. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹🥹

  2. Home is a place of agency. When you are deprived of basic acknowledgment where you should basically get it from, it starts breeding the question, "Am I good enough?" among children. It kinds starts building up an impostor syndrome in you that makes you self-sabotaging and self-destructive.


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