I Love You, It's Ruining My Life

Love is supposed to be legendary and epic. It should consume you and should give you what you want. That's what people believe at least. This is the most heartbreaking lyric from Fortnight. It tells me that people have a lot of trouble noticing red flags in people. All they can see is the good. While that is good in some cases, a person should know what's wrong with their partner. They should be able to see that some things aren't right. 

Let's look at the title of the song... Fortnight... which means 2 weeks. I feel like this song is talking about the damage that can be done in 2 weeks. Some things can't be taken back. Some relationships can't be fixed. I feel like the line I'm talking about (I love you, it's ruining my life) means that something horrible happened in just 2 weeks. The singer feels like she can't go back to the relationship. She feels like the love she has is ruining her. 

This song talks about the effects of short-lived love. It proves that love is very strong, no matter how long it lasts or how toxic it is. 

I think that people need to work on noticing red flags. This line sounds very fatalistic. It portrays love as deadly. Love isn't supposed to be that dangerous. True love should be effortless and easy. It shouldn't feel like it's killing you. 

This line broke my heart and eventually drove me to tears. I felt like I had a love (not romantic. Remember, love can also be between friends) that ruined me similarly. This whole album is filled with very emotional and heartbreaking lyrics. 

I really appreciate Taylor for writing these and helping me put my feelings into words. 


  1. Taylor back at it again to ruining our lives with soul-relating lyrics😭


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