I Can Do It With A Broken Heart

As you might have heard, Taylor Swift dropped her 11th album today. I was listening to the song 'I can do it with a broken heart' which inspired me to write this. This is about what I was feeling when I heard the song. 

When I heard the first paragraph, I visualized a woman. She was a stereotypical blonde girl. Someone who was prom queen. Someone who was really popular and probably had everything she wanted. I pictured her as someone who took the love of my life away from me. 

The chorus talks about a girl who can do it all. A girl who deals with a lot of problems but has to deal with them all on her own. She doesn't have anyone to turn to when she needs help. Someone tells the girl 'You gotta fake it till you make it.' I felt like that was a lesson to the girl, telling her not to share her sorrows with the world.  Someone was telling her to let her successes speak for her and that she didn't have to answer to criticism. She had to smile in public even when she was really down and depressed. 

Then, she remembers how her love left her. She remembers the promise he made her, that this love would last forever. Then, she realizes that he lied. I felt like the man left the girl for another girl. The girl was devastated by this and literally felt her heart crumble and shatter. However, she persists and meets people's expectations of her. She doesn't let this guy destroy all that she has worked for. She claims that she can do it all with a broken heart. 

In the post-chorus, she says that she was very depressed but she acted happy. She put up an act that everyone believed. She admits to stalking her ex. (I mean, we all would, wouldn't we?) Her ex wants nothing to do with her. (Which is bound to hurt.) She says that she is productive, throughout her depression. Then she repeats that she can do it with a broken heart. 

I feel like I really resonate with this girl. If she can do it, why can't I? This song both motivated me and broke my heart. It reminded me of things that I'd really like to forget. But, I'm determined not to let things get me down. I want my successes to speak for me, rather than be judged by my past. 


  1. Very inspiring. Taylor, yet again comes to save her fans with her wonderful poetry. Hope she helps you overcome the problems you face in life.👍


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