How To Say Goodbye

Is there any proven way to say goodbye to someone you love? I don't think so. I think the most important thing to remember is that if you really love someone, goodbyes aren't permanent. It's just 'goodbye for now.' You are telling them that you look forward to seeing them again. 

Saying goodbye isn't easy, but sometimes, it's inevitable. I agree that it's really hard to say goodbye to someone who you have grown close to. It's heartbreaking to see them leave you behind. There's nothing you can do but let them go. 

You have to remember that you'll still have their memories to keep you company. Those moments you shared will give you comfort in the days to come. You will miss them immensely. There's no way to get around that. The initial days will be the hardest. Everything you see will remind you of them. You won't be able to go anywhere without their absence engulfing you. Everything you do will scream emptiness. It will be raw and it will hurt. Your heart and your entire physical being will ache to see them again. (Especially if you don't know when you will ever see them again.) 

I don't think there is any way to get past this completely. I think it's all about knowing that they too will be thinking of you, somewhere far away. You believe that they miss you as much as you miss them. That is the only thing that will give you comfort. 


  1. If you believe that they loved you as much as you did, you can always assure yourself that they will remember you as long as you let them. That's what I believe atleast✌️


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