How Much Sad Did You Think I Had?

This is a lyric from 'So Long, London' from The Tortured Poets Department. To me, this line just confirms my claims that no one can know the amount of sadness that a person has in them. 

Thinking how much sad did you think I had

Did you think I had in me?

I feel like this shows us that people can project one emotion outwardly and that people usually have no idea what is going on in the person's mind. This is something that people do a lot these days. People are afraid of showing others their emotions. They are worried that they are going to be judged. As I have mentioned in a lot of my previous posts, this is something that has to change. 

These lines also show us that even pop stars like Taylor herself aren't always happy. They also put on a show. This song is about her break-up with Joe Alwyn. When this happened, she was on her legendary Eras Tour. She was facing a break-up after more than 5 years. She could have taken some time for herself, but she didn't. She just went on like nothing happened. This was a reality check for me. 

I'm sure no one would have known what was going on in her head when she was performing. That's when these lines hit hard. I feel like no one really knows what you are going through but yourself. Until you let them in, I felt like this was a sign to let people know when I need help. 

What I'm trying to say here is that you can't expect people to know what you're going through until you tell them what's wrong. I'm sure there are so many people out there who have your back. You probably have a lot of people who genuinely care for you and will want to help you. You just have to take a leap and trust them. Believe that they will be there for you and they will prove that they are. If they don't, that's your sign that they never really loved you.  


  1. It takes a lot of courage to just spit out what a person might be going through. It helps them a lot when someone they love gives them constant reassurance which helps them keep it together.


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