Gender Discrimination in Toddlers' Clothes.

Yes! Gender discrimination in clothes starts that early. Let's look, at an example: shorts that toddlers wear. Shorts for little girls are way shorter than shorts for little boys. You might say that boys are taller. But, until puberty, girls and boys are approximately the same height. What girls wear when they are older is their decision. They can choose whether they want to wear shorts at all. At a young age, shorts are convenient for children to play around. The skirts for toddlers are similar. Why does such a young child need clothes that are that short?  

Another example is swimsuits. Why does a girl of that age have to wear a bikini? Why do her clothes have to have glaring cutouts? Do the manufacturers even remember that they are making clothes for children under the age of 5? It's hard to find clothes with decent cover. The kids wearing the clothes would be full of energy. They aren't going to be conscious of their clothes - like an older girl or woman would be. 

I feel like this is a way of objectifying a girl. People need to remember that she is just a kid. She barely understands what's going on. All she wants to do is play and run around, carefree. She shouldn't be looked at as an object. At such a young age, all kids want to do is play. Their clothes should allow them to do so, safely. I rest my case. 


  1. Just reading about this makes my skin crawl. They need to be better


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