Don't Judge

It is high time that we stopped judging one another. It has far-reaching effects and consequences that we don't stop to think about. People have to think twice before making assumptions about others. One simply does not have the right to judge others, to begin with. We shouldn't be so quick to judge without knowing the whole story. People don't take the time to understand the situation but are so quick to comment on things. I cannot emphasize that enough. We shouldn't judge without knowing the whole story.

To put it into practice, before you judge someone, take a moment to think about what they would feel. Try putting yourself in their shoes in that situation. If you can't understand what they are doing or why they are doing what they're doing, it doesn't mean we have the authority to talk behind their back. It just means that there are things that they want to keep private. Imagine if you were in a similar situation. Would you want people to spread trash about you? So it's better to keep one's opinions to oneself if one lacks the mental capacity to empathize with another person.

It is important to acknowledge the consequences of one's words and the power they hold against their victim. They would end up raising their inhibitions, making themselves defensive. Which means the victim has to constantly look over their shoulder. They end up changing who they are, even when they did nothing wrong. Why? Just to stop someone from spreading rumors about them. They might be in a bad place mentally. They might not have the energy to defend themselves from the world. It's better to hold one's tongue than to make things harder for others. The worst part is that when a person spreads rumors about someone, more people tend to believe them. Eventually, they might believe that they are doing something wrong - when they are just being themselves. There's nothing wrong with being genuine. All they are getting in return for being honest about themselves is gossip and accusations behind their backs. Their self-esteem also crumbles in the process. 

We all have to remember that our words have power. One can turn people against others. For what though? There might be a little grudge against them or there might have been a misunderstanding. But it is imperative to remember to treat them with respect. When even their comfort circles start treating them with hostility, where would they go? This may even lead to severe cases like depression or even worse - suicidal thoughts. It may seem insignificant to some but it definitely goes a long way.

Finally, I'd like to remind you that it's important to treat others with basic respect, no matter how much you may hate them or how much your ideologies may differ from theirs. Everyone is just trying to live their lives. The world doesn't need more toxicity. Don't add on to the flame and start tempering your tongue.


  1. Definitely an eye-opening essay. The world definitely needs less toxic people. And to people who say "respect has to be earned" should learn to treat others with basic levels of respect that they'd show to a stranger whom they don't know what they might be going through. An inspirational write up indeed!


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