Dealing with Depression

Depression has become very common among today's youth and it is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. These days hearing the word depression has become part of daily life. 

You might feel like recovery isn't worth it. You might feel like you don't have the strength needed to recover and that it would just be easier to give up. The first step you take could be something really small, like taking a walk or calling a friend. Recovery isn't easy, but it is in your control. You get to decide whether you want to recover or not. If you don't, you're going to end up paying the price. 

You have to remember not to isolate yourself. You might not want company, but surrounding yourself with people you love makes you remember that life is worth living. It reminds you that there are people out there who do care about you. You might feel embarrassed to admit that you need help, but taking that step can prove to be a turning point. Isolation is just going to leave you alone with your thoughts. You need to get out of your head and reinstate yourself in the world. I can vouch for this. If it wasn't for the people around me, I wouldn't have been able to get out of my head. They helped me see things clearly again. 

The worst thing to do is to think you can deal with everything on your own. Feel free to ask for help, whether it's from your loved ones or from a professional. I didn't really feel comfortable going to a professional when I needed help. Later, I realized that things would have been easier if I had. 

You might feel more comfortable sitting around doing nothing all day, but that's just counterproductive. Distracting your mind is very useful. A couple of distractions I used were reading and art. Make sure you are always busy and don't allow yourself time to dwell on the past. Try learning something new or get back in touch with your favourite hobbies. 

Don't give in to negative thoughts. Remember that things will get better. There's a whole world out there waiting for you to take it by surprise. 


  1. My biggest pet peeves is when someone mistakes depression for laziness. Like dude... I don't even have the energy to get out of bed😂 Really hurts when they could just term it to a simple label like "lazy" when its actually more complex than that.


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