Blind trust
You know that they have your back. You know that they won't judge you. Blind trust also promotes loyalty. I mean, think about it. You literally tell them everything about yourself. They know who you are, inside out. Would you do that if you didn't believe that the other person would be loyal? You trust that your secrets will be safe.
Blind trust also deepens a relationship. It leads to you being willing to share things with your friend or partner, which is important in any relationship. It encourages open communication. There aren't really many boundaries, just truth.
Personally, I have one person who I blindly place my trust in. I know that they (I am using a gender-neutral pronoun to protect their identity) are always going to have my back. They constantly tell me that when push comes to shove, they are going to be there for me. "It's us against the world," they say. This person is my rock and my safe space. I feel safe trusting them with my secrets, knowing that they won't judge.
Isn't that what blind trust is? I consider myself really lucky to have them in my life. I'm sure I can handle anything with them by my side.
I admire your blind trust. I could never place this level of trust on anyone. Maybe it's because of past traumas, but I hope I could trust people as much as you trust your friend one day.