You're Losing Me

"How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dying." 

Yessss. How can you say that you love someone if you don't know them? The things they like. The things that make them tick. What makes them happy or sad? That's obvious. You can't. I'm not talking about the trivial things that people don't share. I'm talking about the big things. The obvious ones. The object of your affection can ask you for some things, but not everything. There are some things that should be natural and instinctual. 

This line talks about signs in a relationship. If you are in a good relationship, you should be able to read the signs that your partner is giving you. You should know when things are alright and when some issues need to be fixed. The narrator in the song pretty much tells us that her partner doesn't know her very well. She has been trying to express something for a long time now, but he is oblivious. 

In the end, all a person can do is remain quiet. They end up feeling like they aren't important. When they keep voicing their opinions but nothing changes, all that's left to do is to believe it's fate. (Yes, I know breaking off from a relationship is an option, but let's assume neither party wants to do that) One day, they will fade away and the other person will finally realize that something is wrong. They will realize that their partner is too compliant and is quiet and doesn't really care much. 

It's pretty simple. Just... learn about the person you are with. The basic stuff and their bare minimum expectations. 


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