The Fading Darkness

Who is Gracelin? Before I read this book, I asked myself how much I really knew about her.

One glance through her debut book, 'The Fading Darkness' shows me just who she is. These days, it's hard to find people who see things as they are, people who are compassionate. Gracelin is someone who fills those categories. In her blogpost 'Life of Drivers' she showcases her compassion for an auto driver, rushing to get home.

She is a girl who knows just how much her parents have done for her and gives them their due, striving to make them proud. This is shown in her blogposts 'Dad' and 'Mumma'.

I especially appreciate her blogpost about her bag. I'm a world where people barely respect their fellow humans, she named her bag 'Jecia' and carries around safely, believing it to be her lifeline. This is a sign of humility grace and respect to everything around her.

A book of blogposts is something very personal. It's frightening to put yourself out there, your truth and your self. (I should know, I've written one myself.) It's one thing to keep it online, but it's another one entirely to print it out, something that will last forever. It takes courage and self confidence. You can't write things about yourself without full faith in who you are and what you stand for. These blogposts are a window into her personality.

So, ask me again about who Gracelin is. I'd proudly proclaim that she is my friend. She sees the world in screaming color, looking into things and seeing something's completely different, which she isn't afraid to share. She is kind, gentle, compassionate, humble and above all, graceful (as her name suggests). Such is the deep emotion she has poured into her book. I implore everyone to read her book. I'm sure there will be something there that touches your heart.


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