Extraordinary People Have Critics

This was something my professor said to me that I really needed to hear. 
You won't have critics if you aren't extraordinary. If there is something that sets you apart from the rest of the flock, there would be jealousy or a desire to drag you down. Imagine you're smarter or more beautiful than other people. There would be very few people who would still choose to be your friend. The rest would see you as competition. 
This situation is even more heightened among young women. I've noticed that girls are more competitive with each other than boys are. Now, I'm not saying men don't have competition among themselves, but they don't let it get between their friendships. Women on the other hand are most jealous of their close friends. If their friend was to (for example) score higher than them in an exam or do something to catch someone's eye, they would be really jealous. This jealousy sometimes causes friendships to break up. It's so hard for women to form genuine bonds - especially in college or high school. Young girls don't really know this and are spared. Friendship that girls form in middle school can last, if they put in the effort to sustain it as they grow up. 
The point I'm trying to make here is... Don't be discouraged if you have haters. If you have haters, it means you are doing something right. It means you are capable of greatness. Don't let them get you down. In the immortal words of Taylor Swift, "The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate." 
Keep going! One day, everyone who criticized and dragged you down will have to look up at you in awe 


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