Back to the Roots

I paid a visit to my old school a few days ago. I had some free time and I really wanted to see my favorite teachers. I desperately needed some motivation and I knew they would be able to give me that. I had a few copies of my most recent book. I decided that I would stop by and give them both a copy. 

The moment I entered my old campus, I felt invigorated for the first time in a while. I rushed up to see one of my teachers. I was looking for her and asked one of the students where I could find her. (That student happened to be her daughter - who I remember seeing almost 5 years ago.) My teacher appeared a few moments later, and she gave me a hug. She took me into the computer lab, and the first thing she said was that I had changed a lot and that I looked really pretty. (That made me feel really warm) I gave her a copy of my book, and she promised to read it. 

Then, I went to another building to find my other teacher. She was in the staff room, having lunch with two other teachers - one of whom I knew. She was really happy to see me. The other teacher I knew asked me if I had known I wanted to write when I was still in school. Before I could give my affirmation, my teacher intervened and recalled that I was a really good narrator in English class at school. Hearing those words from one of the women I look up to the most made me feel amazing. I felt warm and fuzzy when she said that. 

I gave her a copy of my book, and she promised to read and review it. She asked me if there was anything she could do to support my publishing and writing. That made me melt. I was so happy to know that she wanted to support me. I told her that she could spread the word and she asked me to send her the Amazon link to my book. I obliged. 

I'm writing this because I realized that it's always important to go back to your roots. They reinvigorate you and bring you newfound energy and strength. 


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