Please Don't Try to Save Me
Leave me be
I've been hurt before
Nothing you say will help
Something in me is just broken
Whatever you say or do
Nothing will change
I can't be saved
I have been broken
My spirit has crumbled
The fighter you once knew is gone
I'm just a shell of who I once was
That girl is dead
She has been buried deep
Broken, battered, and bleeding
She can't be healed
Don't waste your time
Others have tried
I believed them
They left me worse than they found me
I lost trust
I lost hope
I lost my dreams
I lost my desires
I am all I can count on
It's a hard line to walk
But I can't be revived
I have no other choice
But to live the life that's been laid out for me
The girl I once was dreamt of love
Unconditional and true
She was naive
And she has broken
The woman I am now
Lives off silence, in fear
Her strength is gone
Her soul burnt away
Please don't try to save me again
You've tried before
And failed
Look where I am now
I am defeated
I give up.
That's such a depressing poem. I wonder what made you so heartbroken and defeated that you had to write this. I hope you have someone to talk to about your bad times but remember that you are not alone.