Playing the Year Back

If I played the year back, 
I would not imagined I'd be where I am now
The twists and turns I hated 
And struggled with

All of it was to lead me here
Where I am now
January's pain and February's clarity
March and April's joy
The bliss that followed in May and June

The strained relationships that grew
In July and August
When threads connected to create destiny
In September 

Sparks flew and flames raged 
In October and November
December brought peace and stability 
A craving satiated at last

Promises kept and truth unveiled
Magic witnessed with joy and tears
The path's we wandered led us to where we are
Here at last
Where we are meant to be


  1. I'm really happy that you've had a wonderful year. Hears to another cherishing year to look forward to🥂. Happy new year!


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