Destroyed Dreams

What happens when your dreams disappear? When you just know that there's no way that you're ever going to be able to have them. I'm not talking about tangible things like publishing a book or getting the job you want. I'm talking about your hopes for the future - things you built your visions of. It's where you wanted to see yourself, but, you just can't have it. If you stick to your dreams or desires, you're going to lose something else - this thing is something you can't live without. You are sure of that, but... they are your dreams. They aren't something you can just let go of easily. 

You are somewhere where you can't do anything but dream. Now, you know that your dreams will never ever come true. You didn't really ask for much, but it still is too much to ask for. You put everything into your dream. You hoped it would come true someday, so you worked for it every single day. Your every thought was for your dream. Now, you have nothing to look forward to. 

What can you do other than internalize your pain? You can't express it without hurting some of the most important people in your life. There really is nothing you can do other than shut down. There's only so much pain and sadness you can take. You manage to get through your day because of your dream - that you pinned everything on. 

Your dreams have been destroyed. They have been murdered. It's time for despair to take over. 


  1. I know how it feels. I've had similar experiences myself. My heart goes out to you and I pray that one day your dreams may come true.


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