Being A Source of Inspiration

Wow... it is so humbling to hear that someone is inspired by you. A couple days ago, I was hanging out with a couple of my college juniors. One of them (again, protecting their privacy by not using their names), told me what my professor said about me in their class. He was using me as an example to drive his point. I was pretty honored to hear what he had to say. I'm not sure if I deserve it, but it felt really nice to hear what he had to say about me. (Thank you, sir!) He told them about the things I did and even what the principal said about me (I doubt that happened, but it was nice to hear.)

"Akka, you are my role model..." she said. 

"...You were already my role model in ethnic walk, now in literature also," she continued. 

I was so moved. I've called so many people my role model or my inspiration, but I never thought I'd see the day when someone was inspired by me. I couldn't really speak for a minute. I wondered what I did to deserve that kind of praise. It also put a weight on my shoulders. It was like... people were looking to me as an example and I had no idea what to do with that information. 

I can't really express what I felt then, but it was therapeutic in a way. I wasn't in the most stable state of mind. Those words helped me get back on track. Hearing that helped me feel important and seen - which I lacked then. It made me feel like people do notice my efforts. 


  1. Of course they do! You have to know that one of the greatest tragedies in life is that we'll never get to know how important we are to others. We might think that nobody values us or cares for us but in reality, people do. And we'll never get to hear about them.


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