Anbe Nee Illamal

This is a short film directed by Ms. Gayathri, an alumnus of Madras Christian College. My professor suggested reviewing this film on my blog, here it goes. 

Anbe Nee Illamal deals with a typical problem that couples face every day. Their parents don't agree with their relationship. Now, most of the short films or movies we see with that problem ends happily. The couple goes to hell and back to convince their parents to let them continue in their relationship. This film, however, is different. The couple parts ways. The most surprising part is how the hero reacted to the heroine's confession about her parents' disapproval. He was such a gentleman. He totally understood that there was only so much she could do. He didn't get angry or throw acid on her face or any of the other things we see in other movies. He was so kind and genuine and reminded her that he still loved her. Then, he respected her decision and left her in peace. 

Now, there is the guy the heroine's parents want her to get engaged to. When they meet, the heroine is quiet and deep in thought. This guy is equally gentle. He gently probes her about her problem. When she expresses what she feels, he is understanding. He doesn't demand that she start a life with him. He just promises her that she will be able to have a good life with him. The heroine is honest, and she receives a kind reply. 

This film talked about the necessity of honesty and being genuine in relationships, which is sometimes forgotten. 

My favorite part of the film was the song. Apart from its role in the movie, it meant something to me. The pond shown in the song holds a special place in my heart. It's a place I have spent countless hours. I have so many beautiful memories there. I really liked seeing that magical place again - even if it's role in the movie was sad. 


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